Dust to Dust (SIGNED) By Adrian Tyler

Adrian Tyler, 2014
240 x 340 mm
40 pages


Adrian Tyler Dust to Dust 2014

10 in stock

Adrian Tyler’s Dust to Dust is comprised of photographs made of deserted dwellings in the Outer Hebrides and Orkney and still lifes of disintegrating bibles found in similar environs.

Due to topography and depopulation the Scottish islands have an unusually high number of abandoned and derelict houses. In 2004-2005, using Ordnance Survey maps, Tyler methodically travelled throughout the isles producing an extensive archive of images. The photographs show damaged furnishings, clothing, cooking implements, peeling wallpapers, artworks and piles of books—hints of the lives that the buildings once sheltered, revealing the fragility of existence. The photographs of worn and weathered bibles, question the power of both stories and belief systems to protect from such a reality, the onslaught of time and change. The photographs speak to the lives and way of life that is no longer as well as socio-economic changes that have occurred in remote communities.

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