Zine Making Workshop 

31 MAY 2022 / SOLD OUT

10.00am to 5.00pm

1 day workshop

basic materials provided

lunch / tea / coffee included


max 12 participants



Join curator and educator Song Tae Chong for a day exploring and making zines, working with your own images to produce a zine with your photography.

Zines have long been a favourite publication format for artists working across different platforms and media. Low cost, and artist designed and produced, they are valuable ephemera for photographers, artists, and collectors alike. During this hands-on zine making workshop, participants will finalise a zine concept to be printed and produce one master copy.

The day will begin with a brief lecture on the history of zines as well as a hands on look at various examples. We'll take a look at the key elements of zines and zine production, touching on cover layout, concept, binding, pagination and production logistics, as well as advice on how to move forward with duplication and distribution.

After a break for lunch, we'll spend the afternoon designing and producing a master zine. Participants are asked to bring a fully realised or a strong work-in-progress body of work. (Please note, we will not spend time editing work in order to maximise time on zine design and production.)

Basic zine making supplies will be provided, including a variety of sized papers and adhesives/bindings. Please bring any specialised papers, materials, or ephemera that you would like to use.

A laser printer will be available throughout the day, but we encourage you to also bring multiple printed copies of your work so that you can make physical maquettes and layouts.

Please bring your own laptop if you have one.

A hands on and material based approach is strongly encouraged. We will have some computers available with design software, however, rather than making a digital brochure, the focus will be to play with the DIY aesthetic to create unique physical objects, that push the boundaries of what a photo zine can look like.

Coffee, tea and lunch will be provided, so that participants can share ideas and continue to work throughout the day.

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