Manual.Editions, 2024
w148 x h180 mm
Open Edition
Manual.Editions, 2024
What Makes a Photobook Sustainable?
Tamsin Green
5 in stock
What Makes a Photobook Sustainable? is launched to celebrate three years of research and conversations by the Sustainable Photobook Publishing (SPP) network. The book is a compendium of forty case studies along with roundtable discussions, essays, quotes and prompts, that collectively seek to demystify the publishing process - illuminating how books are made and illustrating why knowing, and asking questions, plays a fundamental part in making better, more strategic choices for both people and the planet. We hope this book will spark questions, new ideas, connections and conversations, whilst offering a starting point for piecing together the elements that can make a photobook sustainable.
Contributors: Aindreas Scholz, Alfredo Blasquez, Alix Breda & João Pedro Lima, Amelie Schüle, Anshika Varma, BLOW UP PRESS, Catriona Gourlay, Cince Johnston, Cristian Ordóñez, Daria Tuminas, David O’Mara, Delphine Bedel, Dolly Meieran, Ed Sykes, Editions JoJo, Emily Macaulay, Emily Sheffer, Eugenie Shinkle, Eva Voutsaki, Growing Pains, Highchair Editions, Half Letter Press, Hans Gremmen, Jake Green, Jesse Alexander, Jordan jordan édition, Julie Sleaford, Kshitija Mruthyunjaya, Loose Joints, Lukas Birk, Magdalena Wysocka & Claudio Pogo, Maren Krings, Mark Phillips, Marie Smith, Martin Bollati, Martin Usbourne, Mathieu Asselin, Matt Johnston, Michelle Dunn Marsh, Oliver Raymond Barker, Oscar Dooley, Paul John, Rebecca Lardeur, Ryan Paradiso, Sarah Boris, Sayako Sugawara, Sergio Valenzuela-Escobedo, Tamsin Green, Tanya Busse, Tim Clark, The Sustainable Darkroom, Tiffany Jones, Victoria Forrest.