04 MAY 2023, 7pm GMT
doors 6.30pm
£6 / regular
£4 / MPF members
£4 / students
sponsored by WEX Photo Video
£4.00 – £6.00
Photographers John Spinks and Amanda Harman join us for an evening on photography and landscape. Each will discuss their creative practice followed by questions from the floor, with a book signing to launch John Spinks' new publication, Harrowdown Hill.
John Spinks will share work from Harrowdown Hill, which explores the competing political narratives set against the backdrop of the war in Iraq and their relationship to the land. In particular, the work investigates the death of Dr David Kelly, and the events leading up to and following the discovery of his death, which are now often considered to mark a turning point in British politics.
Amanda Harman will share work from two projects - A Fluid Landscape and Sun Lights this Water - reflecting on impermanence and transformation in the landscape.
A Fluid Landscape is a visual response to the role of human intervention in the Somerset Levels, exploring how land damaged by drainage, agriculture and peat extraction has been returned to marsh, creating a ‘new’ ancient landscape. Sun Lights this Water follows the route of a derelict canal, a doomed engineering project from the heyday of the wool industry in the Stroud valleys.
This event is part of our ongoing series sponsored by WEX Photo Video.