The Dynamic Duo
Film Screening and Q&A

Meet Tony Flatman and Julian Meek, Wales’ two most unlikely press barons. Six years ago they launched the Abertillery Dynamic, a free local newspaper, with the aim of holding power to account. Combining opinion pieces with regular features such as ‘Sheep of the week’ and ‘The Pub Review’. After 36 editions, worn out and broke, they were forced to close down. But now they are back and ready to relaunch.

This wry, warm-hearted documentary celebrates these two lovable characters, as their old-fashioned approach to local journalism collides with the modern world.

Join the makers of this film, Sebastian Bruno and David Barnes, in a discussion with the protagonists, Julian Meek and Tony Flatman, after the screening.

Watch the trailer here

Hosted by the Royal Photographic Society and Martin Parr Foundation. The film will be screened at RPS House, directly opposite Martin Parr Foundation.

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