Magnum photographer Bieke Depoorter has established a unique way of photographing people in their homes – she asks her subjects on the street if it would be possible to stay the night with them, and during her stay makes the photographs. Starting in Russia, and then the United States, As It May Be culminates in Egypt. The resulting images have been universally acclaimed.
Women, their husbands and children shared their daily life, their food and even their bed with Depoorter. This engagement is truly important to her. Nevertheless, Depoorter’s consciousness of her status as an outsider, both culturally and as a photographer, grew as the work progressed. Depoorter returned to the people she photographed with a book dummy of As It May Be to open a dialogue with Egyptians from all ages, opinions and religions, giving them a voice in the book.
The arabic writings have been translated and result in a rare insight into the private lives of the very closed country. Depoorter will be signing copies of As It May Be after the talk.