Complete Wales Work, 1962 - 2014

Sheep shearing, Snowdonia, Wales, 1997 © David Hurn / Magnum Photos

Porth Oer (Whistling Sands), Wales, 2004 © David Hurn / Magnum Photos

Coach party from the valleys on holiday during the fortnight close down of the pits, Aberavon beach, Wales, 1971 © David Hurn / Magnum Photos

Complete Wales Work / Pigment Prints, 1962 – 2014

This collection is an extended set of photographs taken in Wales by David Hurn. Featuring over 315 prints from the 1960’s up until the 2010’s forming a comprehensive survey of life in Wales. The collection is made up of pigment prints all made by David Hurn.

315 pigment prints – 261 sized 56 x 43.3 cm, 54 in additional sizes


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